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What Happens To The Soul When It Leaves Its Body?

In June 2023, my grandson and nephew passed away just 5 days apart. Nico, 24, passed on due to high creatinine level; Ohnnel, 30, met his end due to brain aneurysm. Too young, gone too soon. Can you just imagine what our families went through. They will all be missed. For their families, especially their mothers, it is difficult to fathom their anguish and sorrow. I share these thoughts with them, hoping in a little way, could lift their spirits. When A Soul Leaves Its Body What happens when a soul leaves its body? When a soul leaves the body, it goes back to its true self — immortal, cheerful, loving unconditionally and with wisdom beyond the physical mind. As spirits, they mingle with angels and other heavenly spirits. They even know how they were created and how the Eternal Father created the universe. They have met God even before they entered their physical bodies. They know how God looks like. They have seen His Glorious Face. Indeed, you can just imagine how excited for a s

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